Wednesday, 23 April 2008


杜拜有很多莫名其妙的建築物,這是其中之一。杜拜酋長sheikh mohammed大抵也是個莫名其妙的人,某日異想天開,在沙漠裏製造成堆成堆的雪, 讓他的阿拉伯子民在夏天高達50幾度的高溫下,還可以躲到室内享受徹底的清涼。這樣的創舉,舉世又有誰想得出來且做得到的?

Monday, 14 April 2008

let the dreary ends.

really have nothing to talk about lately. life has just been staying at home, looking at this little screen right here, sitting here doing nothing all day! although i do make a few phone calls a day, arrange for the kid's after school activities... cook a little for myself and the maid, just sometimes, and perhaps go run some errands ocassionally. oh what a dreary life.

things will change tomorrow. cuz mom and dad will be here! :D :D lets hope we have a fun and wonderful time together!

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

